Fraud & Security

To sign into your Devote account: 1. Open app from the home page, or open this 2. Sign in using your organization email, or with your Google account 3. You will receive a one time password to that email, which you can click use to get into the app…

Protecting your Devote account is crucial to safeguarding your sensitive financial information and maintaining the integrity of your nonprofit's expense management. Here are some important steps you can take to ensure the security of your Devote account…

In the realm of credit card transactions, disputes often arise due to unauthorized or fraudulent charges, billing errors, product or service dissatisfaction, or merchant misconduct. When a cardholder notices a suspicious or incorrect charge on their statement, they have the right…

If you suspect a fraudulent transaction on your Devote account, it's important to take immediate action to protect yourself and your finances. Thankfully, Devote has a streamlined process in place for disputing such transactions…

When a Devote card is frozen, a temporary hold is placed on the card, restricting any further transactions or usage. This action is typically initiated by the cardholder or the card administrator for various reasons, such as suspected fraud, loss, or as a proactive measure to prevent unauthorized activity…

To report a security issue to Devote, follow the steps outlined below: 1. Gather information: Before reporting the security issue, gather as much information as possible regarding the incident. This may include a detailed description of the issue, any error messages or…